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T he early70s

In the late 1960s, referred to as the "golden age" or "classic rock" period, various subgenres emerged, including blues rock, folk rock, country rock, and jazz rock, many of which contributed to the development of psychedelic rock, influenced by the countercultural psychedelic scene. New genres that emerged from this scene include progressive rock, which extended artistic elements; glam rock, which highlighted the live show and visual style; and heavy metal, which focuses on volume, power, and speed. In the second half of the 1970s, punk stepped up and reacted against some of these trends to produce raw and energetic music.


Disco music, a genre derived from rhythm & blues that mixed elements of previous genres, such as soul and funk, with Latin touches in many cases, became popular in dance halls in the late 70s.


In 1965, those belonging to Generation X began to be born, which lasted until 1977, this generation is considered the most fortunate generation in terms of music, they lived disco music, the evolution of rock and the first generation. in experiencing the emergence of music on video (this thanks to MTV), in addition to enjoying the golden age of music in the 80s, they were also responsible for the emergence of alternative rock.


There is no other generation in the history of humanity to experience so many social and musical events as this one.


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